Monday, July 2, 2018

SUCCESS SERIES: Notebook series. Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Triple your money

Welcome to the first journal of the SUCCESS SERIES “Triple  your money,” which will help you achieve your goal of financial freedom. The first modification ironically is to stop chasing money and start chasing time!! For example, let’s take a look at person A who makes $25 dollars an hour and has 2 passive income streams. This guy has 3 sources of cash flow while working 1 job that brings in $500 a week working part time (20 hours a week) and can therefore choose to spend less time at work and more time with family and friends. Now let’s take a look at person B, who works 50 hours  a week at $10 an hour, cashing in at the same $500 a week. The difference, there is little to no time to spend with family and friends, personal time, and the money is probably going straight towards bills. In the meantime, Person A has not touched his job’s income due to living on a passive income. Remember, you cannot waste money, you can only spend it either poorly and lose a plethora of your money, or you can spend it wisely on assets. However, you can waste time that is non redeemable. So make sure to focus on making money that is time driven. Increasing income can be done by simply increasing your net worth. This means stop focusing on how much money you make in an hour and start focusing on how much your knowledge and expertise is worth. It is said that a person who knows nothing cannot get paid for anything. In comparison the average person reads about 1 book a year and million dollar CEO’s read about 5 books a month, equalling around 60 books a year. In a decade, that is 600 books of knowledge vs 10 books of knowledge. Make sense? Increasing net worth can be accomplished by obtaining degrees, certifications, obtaining assets, interning, seminars, networking and improving your circle of influence.

Having 12 pairs of Jordans does not increase your net worth nor does it build your bank account !! There are 2 ways to spend money in life. Liabilities and assets. One costs you money and depreciates in value day by day, and the other increases your value. Living rich leaves you with more expenses which is what should be avoided in the journey of becoming wealthy. Learning to live broke regardless of income is a proven way to build wealth. However, understand that there is a difference in saving money and building wealth as they operate in the same manner but result in different results.

For more in depth information and training get in touch with the STRIVE Team.

IG: @StriveEliteAthletics

Tuesday, May 23, 2017



Dictionary term of #STRIVESTRONG

STRIVE - Make great efforts to achieve or obtain something; Struggle or fight vigorously.

STRONG - Exerting great force.

STRIVESTRONG is not just a term that refers to being strong in the weight room. It's a term that defines being strong in everything you do in life, and how you go about life on a daily basis. It's a lifestyle. Being STRIVESTRONG consists of doing more than what is required, and exceeding expectations whether you're and athlete, student, parent, worker, or a business owner. Being STRIVESTRONG is contingent on your work ethic and your consistency that you provide daily. Working hard in the weight room for a week is easy, going to college full time for 2 semesters is easy, being on time to work for the first month is easy. This is because the motivation is at its peak and things are new. After the motivation wears off, people tend to slack on the high standards that they once believed in and they start to think thoughts of "I'll just skip this one workout/class," or "being late today wont really effect me too much." Well making a choice is the first step to developing a habit (good or bad), and in this case you have just developed a bad habit unconsciously. To be STRIVESTRONG one has to know their "Why," which is the intrinsic motivator that will keep your motor running at high speeds regardless of the surroundings or resources available. Once a person knows their "WHY" they have a reason to want to stay motivated and work hard, as they are willing to sacrifice the "average" temptations, for hard work and dedication that reciprocate great results later on. Being STRIVESTRONG is understanding that you (the reader) can be great if you choose to wake up every day and be goal oriented and productive. Imagine if you had a book that generated everything that needs to be done for the day, everyday, in order to be successful with whatever your dream job is. You cannot miss an event or a day, you cannot be late, and you cannot go through the motions. Sounds challenging right, well would you still follow the book? If so, you are ready to be STRIVESTRONG !! Starting today, wake up everyday with a purpose, and a vision to be great and watch how your life changes over time. Remember, results do not happen over night, not even an "overnight success," happens over night as there was plenty of work done prior to the fame. 

Continue to be STRIVESTRONG even in the face of adversity. See while most people think that the road to success is a straight line, it is more a a line that goes in all directions before reaching the "Success" destination. Adversity and failure are natural parts of life that can either teach or break a person. Those who look at failure as a failure are usually the ones that give in and settle for what they have. Those who look at failure as a lesson, and learn what they did wrong are the ones who go on to become successful in life. A prime example is Thomas Edison who failed 1000 times at inventing the light bulb, and said " I learned 1000 ways not to make a lightbulb." What if Michael Jordan would have given up after making it to the playoffs but not getting out of the first round? Would he still be known as one of the greatest to ever play?  Instead, Jordan continued to believe in his vision and worked hard every off-season. He now has 6 NBA Championship rings and is also the guy that one got cut from his high school basketball team. So no matter what life throws at you, continue to stay focused on your goal and take steps towards them. Yes adversity may feel like making you give up, or that it might be too tough, but this is the test to see if you REALLY want to obtain this goal. Remind yourself of your goals and your WHY, and continue to be #STRIVESTRONG every single day !!!

Ask for your FREE STRIVE Success Track Sheet to grade your performances daily, and weekly. 

Change your life. Be your vision. #STRIVE

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IG: @StriveEliteAthletics
FB: Strive Elite Athletics
Twitter: @StriveAthletics

Monday, January 9, 2017


The year everyone has been waiting for... 2017!!! Janaury 1, day 1 of the new year as well as the "new me" infatution. This is the year that you actually will stick to your new years resolutions and induce positive change into your life...right? Well, now that the first week is over of the new year how are your resolutions coming along? Better yet, how much were you not looking forward to today (Monday)? If you are one of the people who are already descending in motivation and effort then this blog is for you. Why? There is a solution to your problem, and in return you could turn your whole life around with it. The first problem is that you are putting your success on pause due to the contingency of "a new year." In reality, the start of a new year has nothing to do with building better habits, making better decisions, making better investments, etc. Every day is an opportunity to improve in some sort of way of your choice, and results are not seen over night, as it takes awhile for the compound effect to take effect. Deciding to make better decisions or investments can start next monday,  tomorrow morning, or even right now. This will then also put you ahead once the new year comes around again Which leads to the second problem. "New year new me." If this adage is broken down into it's simplest form, it divulges that you're going to start over. Do not start over, simply make changes and improve yourself, and set attainable goals. In analogy, lets use a business man. Lets say this business man owns a business and has met quite a few networking partners with whom he makes deals with often and meets new people through their networking circles. Now lets say "new year new me" literally means that January 1 our brains get reprogrammed and we lose all of our memory. The business man now has to start his business from scratch, meet new business partners again and build trust with them over time. So instead, change the adage to "New Year, Improved Me." Now with this adage the business man still has all of his business partners and is building more relationships through mutual networking of current business partners. Hence he may proliferate the success rate of his business.

Moral of the story is not to "keep starting over" every new year, and that your improvements should not be contingent of the new year. Every single day you should be improving your life in some way. So if you are already slacking on your resolutions, its ok because it is not too late to start back up on your road to success. Write down your goals, write down how you can accomplish your goals, and take action in completing them. However, the same way you do not lose 20lbs in a week, you do not see direct results after a couple days, weeks and sometimes even months or years, depending on the magnitude of the goal. The key is being consistent ALL THE TIME and letting your efforts compound and catch up to what you are trying to reach. Greatness is in you, but do not wait till January 1 as it has nothing to do with "a new start." It is simply a measure of time, that is all. Now go be great !! #BYV #STRIVE 


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"Don't Just See Your Vision. Be Your Vision."